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Our experts from science and practice in the field of eHealth
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  • Daube, Dominik, Dr.
    Dr. Dominik Daube
    Dr. Dominik Daube
    Image: Dr. Dominik Daube

    Universität Erfurt
    Institute for Planetary Health Behaviour
    99105 Erfurt

    Lecturer in the module eHealth Communication


    • present: Research associate (Postdoc position) in the HEATCOM project, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Health, University of Erfurt
    •  2024: PhD with a focus on Health Communication, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
    • 2019 – 2023 Research associate (research and teaching), Institute of Communication Science, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
    • Various teaching assignments (adjunct lecturer) at the Faculty of Medicine, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany (program 'eHealth and Communication') and Health and Medical University Erfurt, Germany (program ‘Medicine’)
    • Member Behavioural Science Connect-Network
    • 2017 – 2019 Master of Arts (M.A.) in Health Communication, University of Erfurt
      2015 – 2017 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Communication Science (main) and Law (minor), University of Erfurt

    You can find a complete résumé hereExternal link.

  • Griebel, Lena, Dr.
    Lena Griebel
    Lena Griebel
    Image: privat

    Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
    Lehrstuhl für Medizinische Informatik
    Wetterkreuz 13
    91058 Erlangen

    Lecturer in the module eHealth Literacy with the subjects: Introduction to terminology, differentiation, survey methods.

      • 2019: PhD on the topic of "eHealth Literacy - State of the Research and Relationship with Technology Acceptance Factors".
      • Since 2012: Research fellow and lecturer at the Department of Medical Informatics at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
      • In-house project responsibility for the projects "PROMISE DS" and "eHealthMonitor": Evaluation of user needs and desires towards patient-oriented eHealth applications as well as their usability.
      • 2014-2016: Deputy head of the project group "Consumer Health Informatics" of the GMDS (German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology)
      • Publications on eHealth literacy and technology acceptance
      • 2006-2012: Studies in social economics and medical process management
  • Guenther, Lars, Dr.
    Dr. Lars Guenther
    Dr. Lars Guenther
    Image: Kalayvan Nadar

    Universität Hamburg
    Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
    Journalistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft
    Professur Kommunikationswissenschaft, insbes. Klima- und Wissenschaftskommunikation
                                                                                          Grindelberg 7
                                                                                          20144 Hamburg

    Lecturer in the module eHealth Communication

    • Since 2019: Research Associate (Post-Doc) in the DFG Cluster of Excellence " Climate, Climatic Change, and Society ", University of Hamburg
    • Since 2018: Associate Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology (CREST), Stellenbosch University (South Africa).
    • 2017-2019: Research Fellow and lecturer at the chair "Fundamentals of Media Communication and Media Effects" at the Institute for Communication Studies (IfKW) of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
    • 2015-2017: PostDoc Fellow and Deputy Project Leader at  the Science Communication Research Chair of the Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology (CREST), Stellenbosch University (South Africa)
    • 2015: Doctorate on the subject „The coverage of (un)certainty: Science journalists‘ perceptions and reporting on scientific evidence“
    • 2010-2015: Research Fellow and Lecturer at the chair "Fundamentals of Media Communication and Media Effects" at the Institute for Communication Studies (IfKW) of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Researcher in DFG-funded projects in Priority Program 1409 "Science and the Public Sphere
    • 2005-2010: Studies of Media Science, Recent History and German Literature at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena and the University of Erfurt
    • 2002-2010: Trainee and freelancer for several daily and regional newspapers, as well as radio and television stations and the news agency dpa
  • Koch, Klaus, Dr. rer. medic.


    Dr. rer. medic. Klaus Koch
    Ressortleiter Gesundheitsinformation
    Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im GesundheitswesenExternal link (IQWiG)
    Im Mediapark 8
    50670 Köln

    Lecturer in the module eHealth Literacy.

    • 2015-2017: Spokesperson in the patient information and participation section of the network
    • 2009-2013: Member of the extended board of the German Network for Evidence-Based Medicine e. V. (2011-2015 deputy speaker)
    • 2007: Doctoral thesis on the evaluation of methods of early cancer detection at the University of Cologne
    • 2006: Senior Editor in the Institute Management of IQWiG
    • until end of 2005: freelance medical and science journalist (e.g. for Süddeutsche Zeitung, Deutsches Ärzteblatt) and book author
    • 1990: Scholarship "Science Journalism" of the Robert Bosch Foundation 
    • 1989: Diploma in Biology in Bonn and Cologne
  • Ludwig, Svenja, Dr. med.
    Dr. med. Svenja Ludwig
    Dr. med. Svenja Ludwig
    Image: Svenja Ludwig

    TAKEPART Media + Science GmbHExternal link
    Maria-Hilf-Straße 15
    50677 Köln
    Tel.: 0221 – 292 576 – 61


    Lecturer in the module eHealth Literacy with the topic doctor-patient-communication

    • Senior Medical Communications at TAKEPART Media + Science GmbH
    • General practitioner and medical ethicist in Cologne and Bonn
    • Head of Medical Writing in the project on the implementation of shared-decision-making at Kiel University Hospital, funded by the Innovation Fund
    • Head of medical-scientific public relations of the German Cancer Aid Foundation
    • Editor of the medical-scientific editorial department of the German Medical Journal (Deutsches Ärzteblatt)
    • Study of Medical Ethics (M.A.) at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany
    • Study of human medicine including doctorate at the Free University of Berlin