Digital speech bubbles


Here you will find the relevant answers to the most frequently asked questions about our part-time master's program.
Digital speech bubbles
Illustration: Adobe Stock

Questions about admission and application

  • 1. What admission requirements do I have to fulfill?

    Two essential requirements must be met for admission::

    • A first professional university degree e.g. in medicine, pharmacy, social and health sciences (e.g. psychology, social pedagogy, health economics, public health) natural sciences (e.g. biotechnology), communication and media sciences.

    The university degree must contain at least 240 credit points (ECTS). This is common for Master's, Magister, Diplom and Staatsexamen degrees.

    Applicants with a university degree of less than 240 credit points (ECTS) will also be admitted if they can provide evidence of additional qualifications, e.g. through further education, certificates, additional training, workshops and seminars. In addition, the competencies must be explained in a letter of motivation.

    • At least 1 year of professional experience in the healthcare sector. This also includes employment relationships within the framework of "Werksverträge" or the practical year (PJ).

    Detailed information on the subject of admission can be found at de

  • 2. How and until when do I have to apply?

    From December on you can apply online for the summer semester 2025! Please register for this on the following page and follow the instructions:

    Application Platform 2.0 External link 

    You can find more about the application documents at de

    A minimum of 15 people is required to start the program.

  • 3. How does the admission and enrollment process work?

    The documents are checked by the study program coordination after receiving the application. We will confirm entry and review of your application as soon as possible. As a rule, you will then receive a postal notification from the university within 2 weeks informing you whether you have fulfilled the admission criteria.

    In case of admission, you will receive a participation contract with the postal notification. You will not be charged for your studies until you sign the contract, return it to the university, and receive a countersigned copy of the contract. Only then will you receive an invoice letter for the first semester's tuition. Upon remittance of the first fee, you will be enrolled in the eHealth and Communication degree program and will have access to all required platforms.

    Please note that our degree program requires a minimum number of 15 students. If this number has not been reached by 2 weeks after the application deadline, it will not be possible to start the cohort. If you have already transferred the tuition fee in this case, it will of course be refunded to you. In this case it is possible that the start of the cohort will be postponed to the following winter semester.

Questions concerning the target group and the structure of the study program

  • 4. Which target group is the study program aimed at? What is the group composition of the students?

    Are you interested in the intersection of digitalization and health? Then this is the right place for you!

    The study program is aimed at a very heterogeneous target group composed of different professional groups. Basically, all active people in the healthcare industry with a first university degree are addressed, e.g. in medicine, pharmacy, psychology, social sciences, health sciences, bioinformatics or communication and media sciences.

    There is no predetermined number in the participant composition and no age restriction. One focus of our program is interprofessional exchange, which is why we strongly encourage all professions interested in or working in the field of eHealth to apply.

  • 5. How much time do I have to dedicate to my studies each week?

    On average, you should plan about 10 working hours per week for your studies. However, this is only an estimate based on our experience to date, which may vary depending on personal requirements and semester phases. For example, during the examination phases, a higher number of hours can be expected than at the beginning of the semester.

    In the first and second semesters, there is an online week in which you have daily events from 9-17 hrs. You can have this week credited as a Bildungsurlaub  (educational leave). You will receive continuing education credits from the Landesärzte- & Landesapotherkammer (State Chamber of Physicians and State Chamber of Pharmacists) for the online week. The semester itself is designed as an alternation between online seminars and exercises. Every 2 weeks you will have an online seminar on 2 evenings. In between the online seminars you will receive independent exercises to deepen the respective topics.

    You will be notified of the exact schedule when you are enrolled. Here you can find our sample timetable.png, 53 kb · de

    The primarily online format of the study program allows for a high degree of flexibility. All online seminars are also available as video recordings by prior arrangement.

  • 6. When and where do the online weeks take place?

    The online weeks take place at the beginning of each semester. In the summer semester it is usually at the beginning/mid-April and in the winter semester at the beginning/mid-October. The exact date will be announced in due time. 

    At the end of the third semester there is an weekend (Friday to Sunday) in attendance. This weekend serves for the presentation of the master theses and takes place in Jena.

    You can find more information and current dates at de

  • 7. Can I apply for Bildungsurlaub (educational leave) or Fortbildungspunkte (education credits) from my employer for the online week?

    Yes, you can apply for educational leave with your employer for the online week. So far, the online weeks have been recognized as Bildungsurlaub (educational leave) in the German states of Berlin and Thuringia. If you need proof for this, please contact us.

    Usually, this approval of the educational event is also recognized by employers who are located in other federal states.

    In addition, the events of the online weeks were recognized for Fortbildungspunkte (continuing education points) at the Landesärztekammer & Landesapothekerkammer (State Chamber of Physicians and State Chamber of Pharmacists) (40 points each, category H).

  • 8. What skills and career prospects are gained through the program?

    Students are prepared for the use of new digital media in communication with patients, relatives and other medical laypersons, as well as within and between healthcare organizations and in research.

    The emphasis of the course is on digital and interprofessional communication, as well as the analysis and evaluation of eHealth applications and their implementation conditions. We impart the necessary basic knowledge to enter into a target-oriented exchange with other professional groups for the successful implementation and application of eHealth applications. This includes, for example, the following aspects:

    • What is digital health literacy and what influence does it have on health behavior?
    • How to ensure that digital information is understood on both sides?
    • Which eHealth applications are useful and profitable for my everyday professional life?
    • What ethical, technical, economic and legal issues need to be considered during implementation?

    Graduates are expected to act at the intersection of patients, technology and organizations. Advancement to higher management levels as well as entry into academia are open to them.

Questions around the topic of costs and financing

  • 9. How much does the program cost?

    Tuition fees of 4,300€ plus pro-rata semester fees are charged per semester.

    The pro-rata semester fee is also charged per semester. Unfortunately, no fixed fee can be named, as it changes every semester. Currently it amounts to 74€ . The amount is an administrative fee for enrollment, student ID, etc. and is generally charged by the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena.

    In total, the study program costs 12,900€ plus proportional semester fees. The tuition fee is exempt from Umsatzsteuer (value added tax) according to § 4 Nr. 22 UStG.

    The tuition fee does not include travel and accommodation costs for the weekend in attendance in Jena. However, our study coordination will be happy to assist you in planning your travel and accommodation locally.

  • 10. Why is there a fee for the course?

    The part-time eHealth and Communication program is not subsidized by the state or the university and must be fully self-supporting through participation fees. We strive to keep the costs fair and stable

    The fees cover the costs for personnel, examinations, rooms and marketing of the study program.

  • 11. Until when must the payment be made?

    Payment is made per semester, at the beginning of each semester. The invoice will be issued after the participation contract has been duly signed by both parties.

    You are not enrolled in the program until you have transferred the participation fee.